DID YOU KNOW? Here are some interesting facts about everything around us.

The purpose of this blog is to share my knowledge on certain trivia questions that most of us don't know.I hope you'll definitely learn something and share this knowledge with your friends too. Some facts might be weird or useless though still you'll be bundled up with some fascinating concepts .

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Acronym vs Abbreviation vs Initialism.What's the difference???

We are conversant with Abbreviations and Acronyms but Initialism is something utterly new. At least for me. According to Merriam-Webster, Abbreviation is a shortened form of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole word or phrase. For instance, Amt is an abbreviation for 'amount, Dr. for Doctor, lb. for pound.

An acronym is a word from the first letters of each one of the words in a phrase.                    

  • NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)
  • ASAP(As soon as possible)
  • RADAR(Radio detection and ranging)
  • AIDS(Acquired immune Deficiency Syndrome)
  • SWAT(Special weapons and tactics)

An initialism is actually the pronunciation of abbreviations that are pronounced one letter at a time.

They are a common component of both official and conversational English. An initialism is used in medical terminology, Business, Government.

Medical Initialisms

ENT(Ear, Nose, Throat)

EMT(Emergency Medical technicians)

ALS(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)

MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

Political Initialisms

MP(Member of Parliament)

FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)

MLA(Member of Legislative Assembly)

Business Initialisms

AT&T(American Telephone and telegraph)

BMW(Bayerische Motoren Werke)

KFC(Kentucky Fried Chicken)

IBM(International Business Machine)


Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Myth debunked-Indoor plants aren't actually purifying the air.

 Everyone has become more health-conscious than ever amid covid-19 pandemic. Without a second thought, people are putting their money into personal hygiene. Following the trend, the demand for house plants has increased manifold.
 But, do you think planting so-called air purifier plants really get the job done?

The myth is still prevalent. This is the outcome of NASA's experiment on some plants conducted in the space station under controlled airtight laboratory condition and is way different from indoor air which is dynamic rather than stationary.

NASA's Air Purifier Schematic

This experiment took an exaggeration and there were articles and videos about the benefits of house plants and claims that these plants improve air quality significantly.
In reality, to detoxify a (10x10)m room, we would require around 1000 plants, which is infeasible at least for most of us. There is no denying the fact that indoor air is filled with massive pollutants like carbon dioxide, ozone and VOC(volatile organic compounds), which include benzene, ethylene glycol, formaldehyde, toluene, etc. Also, household products consistently give off a low level of polluting chemicals, be it carpet, furniture, electronic appliances and even wall paint.

People usually  jump on the bandwagon  because of  two reasons:
  • We blindly follow the media. The actual data was exaggerated and misinterpreted by the popular press at that time too.
  • We never research articles, news, blogs. Results obtained in this test were limited to a confined chamber sealed off from the entire world.

This video demonstrates the experiment which was carried out by NASA in the late 1980s. It is called Nasa air purifying device.

Final Thoughts:

 Although house plants won't contribute much when it comes to detoxifying the air. It is quite evident that surrounding ourselves with greenery and nature offer a host of benefits. Therefore indoor plants should be kept for they bring happiness, reduce stress, improving mood, and cognitive ability.                                                                                                       

Saturday, 21 November 2020

Did you know, Earth is actually warmer when we are farther from the sun?


We've been learning about earth and space since we were a child. One such topic is the seasons. Why do we have seasons, Why do we feel nippy during one part of the year and hot during the other?
Without further ado, let us deep dive into the topic: Why do we feel hot even when the earth is at the farthest distance from the sun in the month of July?

 The intuitive idea we have of how seasons change is not totally true. Although Sun's distance from the earth may affect the atmospheric temperature of the earth it doesn't have anything to do with earth's core temperature.
Secondly, the face of the earth doesn't witness seasons, its the northern or southern hemisphere which is affected. This means the main reason behind this phenomenon is the 23.5° tilt of earth from the axis and not the distance.
The sun's energy is transmitted in the form of radiation which unlike sound does not require any medium to travel.
Terms generally bewildering us are Aphelion Day/Perilion Day and Summer/Winter solstice.
Aphelion day- 4th of July. ( Earth is farthest from the Sun)
Perihelion day-4th of January. ( Earth is closest to the Sun)
Summer Solstice-20-22 June. ( Sun is at the Tropic of Cancer) Summers in India.
Winter Solstice- 21-22 December. (Sun is at the Tropic of Capricorn) Winters in India.

The maximum displacement sun does is from tropic of Capricorn to tropic of cancer.
During summers(June-august)in the northern hemisphere, even though the sun is far still we feel hot because of this tilt.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Why do men go bald from the top of their heads?Why doesn't it spread to the sides?

Why do we lose hair? The simplest answer we know is the genetic/hereditary coding of a human body which triggers hair fall or hair growth. Although, Hair fall or Hair loss is inevitable, the degree of extent up to which it occurs is a thing of concern. For some, it is barely noticeable but for some, it is distressing and agonizing.

Since I have to keep this post concise, I am not going to discuss the types of baldness in males.

Androgenic alopecia- It is a genetic condition that can affect both men and women. Men with this condition, called male pattern baldness, can begin suffering hair loss as early as their teens or early 20s. It's characterized by a receding hairline and gradual disappearance of hair from the crown and frontal scalp.

To put it simply, some hair follicles are sensitive to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) hormone while some are not. This is one of the major reason for premature baldness in males. Hair follicles present on the top of the head have those receptors with which DHT combines and produce an undesirable effect( hair loss).

During puberty male sex hormone Testosterone is naturally converted to a stronger and more powerful hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the presence of 5-alpha reductase which is an essential androgenic sex steroid hormone for expediting secondary sexual characters in males. For instance, DHT promotes muscle mass and bone density, deepens the voice, burgeons facial hair.

DHT is analogous to friction-'a necessary evil'.

DHT stimulates androgenic hair follicles, not the regular head hair. Facial hair, pubic hair, axillary(armpit) hair all fall under the category of DHT stimulated androgenic hair follicles.

DHT exerts a positive proliferating effect on androgenic hair follicles. However, it exerts a negative toxic impact on the non-androgenic head hair. It kills the head hair follicles by swelling the skin where hair follicles are present which results in the blockage of the necessary and vital nutrients needed by the follicle to grow hair. Consequently, hair growth stages are severely affected. The anagen growth phase of the hair follicle keeps on shortening and thus, the hair will keep shortening and thinning too until no hair can be popped out from the epidermis layer of the skin.

Why doesn't it spread to the sides?

These DHT receptors on head hair are not evenly distributed, They may be more congregated on one region of the head than other. Thus, the more DHT  receptors present on a region, the more sensitive you are to DHT on this region, the more effect DHT exerts on this region (hair loss).

The temples and the crown are the most sensitive to DHT. This is why they are the first to be affected. The hair on the sides of the head is the least sensitive. As a result, minimal impact occurs by DHT.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Why sanitizers with 95% alcohol aren't as effective as compared to the ones with 60%-70% alcohol.

Sanititzer's composition: 60%-70% (Isopropyl Alcohol /  Denatured Ethyl Alcohol)

Washing the hands with water and soap is being called the gold standard for hand hygiene. Still, practically it isn't possible to carry a personal sink everywhere. A small bottle of sanitizer can work wonders and is being used widely due to its effectiveness and portability.

The most common type of sanitizer uses Isopropyl Alcohol(Rubbing alcohol) or Ethyl Alcohol. Most of us think that we can consume ethyl alcohol aka ethanol but do remember, ethyl alcohol used in sanitizers is denatured(which means it includes a number of additives, thereby making it poisonous, unpalatable, and hence, undrinkable).


If a little alcohol is good at killing germs, Why stop at 65 or 70 per cent alcohol when you can go all the way to 100 per cent? Because it turns out 100 per cent alcohol is actually less effective at dealing with those cruel and wicked diseases.

  • The simplest reason is the evaporation rate which needs to be capped otherwise the alcohol will vaporize without killing those germs, so the water content hinders the sudden evaporation of alcohol.    
  • Using the 95% alcohol content makes skin dry and irritated                                                       
  • Adding a few other ingredients, like hydrogen peroxide and glycerol, make the solution even more effective.                                                                               
  • Isopropyl alcohol(Rubbing Alcohol) as compared to ethyl alcohol has a higher evaporation rate and hence the name.

Why USA is called the United States and not just America? What is the difference between the Indian Constitution and the American Constitution?

Before getting into the topic one should know the meaning of the words Federal & Union.

Federal is an adjective which means having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs.

Union, on the other hand, means the action of joining together or the fact of being joined together, especially in a political context.

To put it simply, the constitution which was made by Dr BR Ambedkar was for both Central government and the states. On the other hand, the Constitution made by Thomas Jefferson was only for the central government, this is why each state in America has its own written constitution.

In the case of India:
  • Union/Central government has more control over the states.
  • States must exercise their executive power in compliance with the laws made by the Central government(Article 356).
  • No state government can impede on the executive power of the Central government within the states(Article 357).
  • The Central government has the power to take over the state in matters related to national security( Article 352 to 360).
This is the reason why it is called 'a union of states'.

In the case of the USA:
  • States have their own written constitution and are not controlled by the centre directly. For example, some states now allow the legalization of marijuana, both for personal and medical purposes. But federal law bans marijuana as a controlled substance.
  • Under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved for the states and the people.

This is the reason why it is called ' The united states''.

Wrapping up:
 Try to understand this whole scenario by taking the example of Jammu & Kashmir. Before 31st October 2019, although it was an Indian state, still it had a separate Constitution, National Anthem, Flag.
Similarly, the states of America have their own constitution which means they are made to unite but actually have considerable self-rule.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Have you ever wondered why swar ( स्वर ) start with अ आ and not इ ई ?

Hindi & Sanskrit are known to be the most scientific and organised languages. This post is meant for substantiating the same point. Basic knowledge of Hindi is a must as it is prominent pan India and spoken by almost 50% of the population. Moreover, Devnagri-the script of Hindi is considered to be the most natural and scientific script We all have studied Hindi at least up to high school and most of us know how to read and write it with Hinglish being used more often than English and Hindi separately.
The standard swar series is (अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ए ऐ ओ औ अं अः) which forms the basic foundation of Hindi language like vowels in the English language. Similarly, there are व्यंजन (consonants).
But ever wondered why doesn't  "इ ए" comes before "अ". This order isn't vague, it has some scientific grounds which most of us are not aware of.
Scientific basics include:
Phonology(use of sound to map out the meaning of a spoken language).
Morphology(field of linguistics studying the internal structure).
Syntax(the study of rules to construct sentences).

I have labelled this diagram to make the concept easy to understand.

  • Swar 'अ आ' falls in the first category called (कंठ) voice box, which forms the beginning of this arrangement. 
  • The second category is 'इ ई'.They originate from तालू (Palatal).
  • The third category is  'उ ऊ'.They originate from ‌‌ओष्ठ (lips). This is debatable as lips are at fifth position systematically. But when you speak O, vibration is produced even before you make that Oh! interjection kind of gesture.
  • The fourth category is 'ऋ'. They originate from मूर्धन्य(Cerebral). The tongue touches the upper part of the mouth.
  • Rest of them are formed by the combination of अ आ इ ई, for instance,( अ+ इ=ए ) (अ+ उ= आे)
(अं, अः) are not the standard(मानक स्वर) instead falls under a subcategory called 'अयोगवाहा'