Hindi & Sanskrit are known to be the most scientific and organised languages. This post is meant for substantiating the same point. Basic knowledge of Hindi is a must as it is prominent pan India and spoken by almost 50% of the population. Moreover, Devnagri-the script of Hindi is considered to be the most natural and scientific script We all have studied Hindi at least up to high school and most of us know how to read and write it with Hinglish being used more often than English and Hindi separately.
The standard swar series is (अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ए ऐ ओ औ अं अः) which forms the basic foundation of Hindi language like vowels in the English language. Similarly, there are व्यंजन (consonants).
But ever wondered why doesn't "इ ए" comes before "अ". This order isn't vague, it has some scientific grounds which most of us are not aware of.
Scientific basics include:
Phonology(use of sound to map out the meaning of a spoken language).
Morphology(field of linguistics studying the internal structure).
Syntax(the study of rules to construct sentences).
I have labelled this diagram to make the concept easy to understand.
- Swar 'अ आ' falls in the first category called (कंठ) voice box, which forms the beginning of this arrangement.
- The second category is 'इ ई'.They originate from तालू (Palatal).
- The third category is 'उ ऊ'.They originate from ओष्ठ (lips). This is debatable as lips are at fifth position systematically. But when you speak O, vibration is produced even before you make that Oh! interjection kind of gesture.
- The fourth category is 'ऋ'. They originate from मूर्धन्य(Cerebral). The tongue touches the upper part of the mouth.
- Rest of them are formed by the combination of अ आ इ ई, for instance,( अ+ इ=ए ) (अ+ उ= आे)।
(अं, अः) are not the standard(मानक स्वर) instead falls under a subcategory called 'अयोगवाहा'।
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