DID YOU KNOW? Here are some interesting facts about everything around us.

The purpose of this blog is to share my knowledge on certain trivia questions that most of us don't know.I hope you'll definitely learn something and share this knowledge with your friends too. Some facts might be weird or useless though still you'll be bundled up with some fascinating concepts .

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Did you know about the Bogus Paytm app which shows a fake "amount send message" and can dupe anyone doubtlessly.

Paytm scam is not a new thing.Few days ago, I heard of yet another Prank Paytm app that is being used nowadays to trick shopkeepers.
This app is being used to make them believe that the payment  has been done, and the money has been deducted.
 Although it's a fairly ingenious idea — most people simply show their phones to shopkeepers after making a payment, and shopkeepers usually give a quick look at the message before accepting that a payment has indeed been made. 
Shopkeepers usually receive a notification from their app and also a message from bank account,
 But their cellphones aren't always accessible and sometimes there can be a delay in receiving the  confirmation message.

Developers of these kinds of apps have used this opportunity to deceive people by mimicking the Money Sent message.
 The most affected ones are the poor and uneducated people, who know nothing more than accepting a payment by either scanning QR or entering a phone number.

For the time being, a workaround is to verify the payment right after receiving it , and using QR code instead of a phone number for accepting money from unknown people.


  1. I have been scammed through these methods a zillion times. Thanks for spreading awareness brother.


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