DID YOU KNOW? Here are some interesting facts about everything around us.

The purpose of this blog is to share my knowledge on certain trivia questions that most of us don't know.I hope you'll definitely learn something and share this knowledge with your friends too. Some facts might be weird or useless though still you'll be bundled up with some fascinating concepts .

Monday, 1 June 2020

YouTube 480p glitch | Did you notice, Youtube videos are restricted to 480p nowadays?

Not only YouTube but some major streaming services like Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon Prime have also capped the viewing quality for the sake of bandwidth fluctuations that are inevitable over the current scenario of internet use.
Youtube has reduced its maximum video quality to 480p on mobile networks. Ever since the lockdown has been imposed upon the citizens, it has stipulated them to stay indoors which saw a surge in the use of the internet.
The company said it has temporarily removed the option to manually select a resolution above 480p on mobile devices in India.
At first, the restrictions were noticed on Android platforms but several IOS users have pointed the similar restriction on their mobile device. Whatsapp used to have status duration of 30 seconds which consequently plummeted to 15 seconds in India to save bandwidth. 

Circling back to the main point is how to watch videos on a full 1080 resolution. The simplest circumvention is to use a VPN  app or stick to the web version on Chrome. Although VPN undermines several other website's loading time as I have noticed many times, You can simply disconnect it when not using Youtube.


  1. हमने कभी २४०p से ऊपर देखी ही नहीं कोई वीडियो।

    1. बेस्ट है भाई 240p।


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