DID YOU KNOW? Here are some interesting facts about everything around us.

The purpose of this blog is to share my knowledge on certain trivia questions that most of us don't know.I hope you'll definitely learn something and share this knowledge with your friends too. Some facts might be weird or useless though still you'll be bundled up with some fascinating concepts .

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Have you heard of a condition known as hyponatremia or over-hydration?

As quoted by hippocrates,"everything in excess is opposed to nature" which means nothing in excess is good, the same goes with drinking water.Almost everybody knows what dehydration is. Now there are many opinions on the amount of water to be taken.Health authorities suggest eight 8-ounce glasses every day, which corresponds to 2 litres. This  is  commonly known as 8*8 rule.
Now, drinking too much water was never a problem and will never be, but drinking too much of it in a brief span of time can be problematic.
Moreover, 4-5 litres of water a day is adequate for a healthy adult, 1-litre for 5 to 8 year olds.1.5-litres for 9 to 12 year olds. 2-litres for 13+ years.

What is overhydration?

Sodium balances fluid inside and outside the cell.When we drink too much of water in a short span sodium gets diluted and its level  falls below 135 millimoles per litre, this condition is referred to as hyponatremia.This water imbalance cause cells to swell causing headaches ,nausea, vomiting.You might have seen this when you put resins in water, a phenomenon called endo-osmosis takes place and the resin gets swollen.If this happen with brain cells, it can be fatal.

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