DID YOU KNOW? Here are some interesting facts about everything around us.

The purpose of this blog is to share my knowledge on certain trivia questions that most of us don't know.I hope you'll definitely learn something and share this knowledge with your friends too. Some facts might be weird or useless though still you'll be bundled up with some fascinating concepts .

Friday, 22 May 2020

Most of us know which gas makes our voice squeaky or high pitched,but did you know which gas makes it deep and heavy?

Youtube channel king of random experiment on these gases.

Okay, I'll come to the point directly.Since our childhood we've been told that there are some gases which are fun to play, 'for instance' laughing gas(nitrous oxide), Helium gas, etc. As most of us know inhaling Helium gas your voice sound funny. Did you know Sf6(sulphur hexafluoride) deepens it and makes you sound like Thanos.

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